Information about the Company and Brand
Founded in 1996, PChome Online Inc. was incorporated (PChome Online) in July 1998. Over ten years in business, PChome Online Inc. is now the leading e-commerce service group that covers almost every important aspect of the industry. PChome Online Inc. went public in January 2005 and became the first listed internet company (8044-tw) in the stock market.Brand Elements
Under PChome Online group, there are three different business models operated under independent business units. “PChome24h Shopping” is Taiwan’s no.1 B2C shopping site which guarantees 24 hours delivery service. “Ruten Auctions” is the no.1 C2C marketplace holding more than 100 million active listings. “PChome Store” offers the no.1 B2B2C marketplace to help SMEs get into e-commerce.As for online payment, PChome Online group owns the third-party payment service providers - “PChomePay”. “PChome InterPay”and “Pi Mobile Wallet”, offering web and mobile payment services. To strategically expand operations into foreign markets in a timely manner, the group also opens subsidiaries in the U.S. and Thailand.