A. Article
The article should be written in third person style and should be approximately 700-800 words. The content should cover the points as below (according to the order):
1. Information about the Company
1.1. An introduction about the Company – how it started, its core business, the markets it is involved in (in layman
1.2. Briefly describe significant obstacles faced by the Company, and how it has been overcome
1.3. Include the vision and mission, corporate values and principles held across the Company
1.2. Briefly describe significant obstacles faced by the Company, and how it has been overcome
1.3. Include the vision and mission, corporate values and principles held across the Company
2. Corporate Culture and Company Activities
2.1. Describe the Company’s workplace practices and provide insights on its unique organizational culture
2.2. Provide details on significant corporate activities which the Company has engaged in, both previously and currently (e.g., team building, CSR activities)
2.3 Describe any notable employee investment practices (e.g. incentives, specialized training, notable support systems)
2.2. Provide details on significant corporate activities which the Company has engaged in, both previously and currently (e.g., team building, CSR activities)
2.3 Describe any notable employee investment practices (e.g. incentives, specialized training, notable support systems)
3. Achievements and Impact
3.1. Discuss about the latest growth and development of the Company. Include facts such as number of offices (opened in the last few years), number of employees, turnover achieved, revenue to date, local and/or
regional impact, company expansion overseas, and business model of expansion (e.g., franchise, partnerships)
3.2. Elaborate on the Company’s strategy to achieve sustainable growth (e.g., talent development/ operational excellence initiatives)
*Do note that other award achievements shall not be included.
3.2. Elaborate on the Company’s strategy to achieve sustainable growth (e.g., talent development/ operational excellence initiatives)
*Do note that other award achievements shall not be included.
4. Future Direction
4.1. Briefly highlight the expansion roadmap of the Company and its succession plan(s)
B. Company Milestones (In Point Form, 10 – 12 words for each points)
Include 3-5 highlights/ distinctive achievements in the Company’s timeline (e.g., date of establishment, major project completions, IPO/M&A)
*Do note that other award achievements shall not be included.
C. One Liner Company Motto (10 – 15 words)
Corporate tagline or brief fact about the Company. The motto will be placed on top of the main image.
- Amount: Minimum FIVE (5) High Resolution Photos
- Image Type: Photo of winners in front of office building or logo / employees activities / products or services showcase / CSR activities
- Size: > 1MB/ A5/ 200 dpi/ 700 x 1050 Pixels
- Format: PDF/ AI/ JPEG
- Orientation: Preferably in Landscape
- Kindly note that this online profile can be viewed internationally. Hence, you may consider hiring a professional photographer to get the best shot.
- Please ensure all photos included in the advertisements are in High Resolution.
- We apologize that logo(s) or photo(s) of other awards will not be permitted in this online profile.
- Feel free to send us more than FIVE (5) photos and our designers will select the best image.
- Size: >1MB
- Acceptable Format: PDF/ JPEG/ PNG/ AI
- Company Website
- Company social media links for tagging purposes only (Facebook and LinkedIn)
*If there are no accounts on these platforms, please indicate ""N/A"" in the template
Should you have an advertisement on the and Enterprise Asia websites, the specifications are as follows:- Size: 728(w) x 90(h) Pixels
- Format: JPEG/GIF (3s)